Red-Dead Sea Project and Sea Water & Development in the Middle East were discussed at the HPA

Red-Dead Sea Project and Sea Water & Development  in the Middle East were discussed at the International Expert Roundtable meeting hold by HPA Hydropolitics Academy Center in Ankara HPA News – The Interantional Expert Roundtable meeting was held on March 30, 2019 in the meeting room of Hydropolitcs Academy  Center of HPA  in Ankara Diplomats from different countries embassies, academics from various universities in Ankara,  engineers and managers of consultancy companies, water and irrigation experts from Turkey  participated to the meeting In the begining of the conference Director of the Hydropolitics Academy Dursun Yıldız  , made a very short opening speech and leave  floor to  Keynote Speaker, Retired  German Jordainan University  Othman Bdeir Center of Excellence Director Dr. Kamal Jalouqa During the event most of the participant made very valuable contrubution to the subject with their comment and explanations. In sum,the meeting took place in a very interactive environment with questions and comments recieved from participants.  At the end of the meeting D. Yıldız asked the participants for their final  views and comment on the subject At the end of the  Round Table meeting HPA Director Dursun Yıldız thanked to  participants for their attendence  and their contrubution to the meeting  and  Dr Kamal Jalouqa for  his very valuable presentation Before closing the event HPA Director Dursun Yıldız presented a  memorial appreciation certificate . HPA News

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