HPA News.-A comparison test was carried out by Applied Research Center of Hydropolitics Association.In this test,a new type and synthetic-chemical (conventional) fertilizers productivity in soilless grown tomato was investigated in a test greenhouse. For this purpose, some measurement , on 12 tomato plant , were made during the growing period and after harvest.
The tomato plants which have been fertigated by new fertilizer showed higher values of plant growth parameters, yield and fruit size properties in comparison to synthetic- chemical fertigated one. Total soluble solids of tomato juice were also significantly different in new and synthetic-chemical fertigated plants.
Plant tomato analyses showed that both new and synthetic-chemical fertigated plants adequately fed. However, some distinguished differences have been observed. As a result, tomato growing in soilless systems by using new fertilizer showed more productive and different flavour results.
Test results showed that new fertilizer could positively affect the plant growth, yield ,flavor and fruit quality of tomato comparing with classical chemical one.
After growing period first tomatoes harvested and statistical analysis was carried out in multi-variable tests among those fed by new fertilizer and chemical fertilizer. The data obtained from this analysis reveal that there is a significant difference between the two groups.
Prepared report is available