The water problem of the Middle East:  'The solution is  development of cooperation based on mutual interests '

  May 25, 2018 OPINION By Huseyin Hayatsever- SPUTNIK NEWS -Turkey/Ankara According to a NASA research, Iraq is at the top of the world's most water-tight places. Although it is generally spoken that the cause of the water shortage is Turkey’s dams located on Euphrates and Tigris, experts are considering that water solution is highly dependent on mutual cooperation to economic interests in the region. Iraqi environmental experts Latif Abd Salim, "Iraq [on Turkey] can solve the water crisis by establishing economic pressures. The trade volume between Turkey and Iraq over the years to reach billions of dollars. This may provide a a tool to protect the legitimate rights of Iraq's water “. A researcher on water policy in Turkey, Director of the Hydropolitics Academy Hydro political Expert   Dursun Yildiz pointed to cooperation necessity based on mutual interests. Dursun Yıldız ,   "Any step towards the development of interdependence principle, in order to increase the relations of the countries with each other, will positively affect inter-country hydropolitics. Petroleum is one of the most basic natural resources in this regard. Two natural sources can contribute to this process by collaborating between water and energy sources, bilateral relations, and rational planning to increase interdependence. "The American Aviation and Space Agency (NASA) said that the lack of clean water on Earth Published a research study based on satellite images of the clean water situation during the period 2002-2016. It was seen that the regions where most of the clean water shortages occurred were Syria and Iraq. One of the reasons for this situation in Turkey to establish numerous dams on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Over the last 30 years, 22 dams have been built on the rivers. 'IRAQ, MAY SOLVE WATER PROBLEMS TO PRESS ON THE TURKISH ECONOMY   Speaking to sputnik about the subject, Iraqi environmental expert, engineer Latif Abd Salim,   "Some of these dams in Turkey established a pity that the withdrawal of Arab investors. Iraq can solve the water crisis by establishing economic pressures ON Turkey. The trade volume between Turkey and Iraq over the years to reach billions of dollars. This can ensure that Iraq retains its legitimate rights for water. Then it's not profitable for Turkey to diminish Iraq’s water. If Iraq grown agricultural products for Turkey, Ankara's water policy change, "he said. TURKEY HAS RELEASED ONLY 30 PERCENT OF EUPHRATES WATER TO IRAQ Turkey's water policies put Iraq into a very difficult situation, said Salim stating that “The Turks, says Iraq's has no right over Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The Euphrates River is pouring into the Tigris, which forms a river basin. Thus, there is an excuse to cut off the water. By setting up numerous dams on the Euphrates, Ankara left only 30 percent of the water flowing through the river to Iraq. "Salim said," The biggest problem after water problems is the Ilisu dam. When this project is completed, Iraq will lose 40-45 percent of its water. This will have consequences for disaster for Iraq, "he said. MAIN REASON OF THE WATER SHORTAGE IN THE DOWNSTREAM IS NOT ONLY THE DAMS BUILT IN TURKEY  Director of the Hidropolitics Academy Center Dursun Yildiz, who speaks to Sputnik about the subject and has a lot of research on water politics, noted that the mistrust between the countries in the Middle East has blocked the compromise on the transboundary water. Hydro politics expert Yildiz, who used to be director in the State Water Works (DSI) as Directors in different departments continued his statement  "The dams built in Turkey on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers arent the buildings that led to create the water management problems in the region, on the contrary, the dams have regulated the unregulated Euphrates and Tigris water flow" About last 30 years, Despite Turkey's good faith efforts a cooperation has not been formed and    water peace of the region has been a victim of this harsh domestic politics. In fact, in the Inventory of Shared Water Resources in Western Asia that published by UN-ESCWA and BGR (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia in 2013, it is stated that “ “The discharge of the Euphrates varies annually corresponding to climate variability. The stations at Jarablus in Syria (1938-2010), Long term diminishing trend of the rivers flow is most likely due to climate variability and more frequent drought periods, and the construction of large dams in Turkey as part of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). The seasonal variability of the Euphrates is not suitable to meet crop needs. Water for winter crops is most needed during the low-flow season in September and October. The flood season with frequent inundations in spring puts the harvest at risk. Engineering works have therefore prioritized Euphrates stream-flow regulation to provide irrigation water in the low-flow season.” That means that Iraq and Syria have also regulated their irrigation water by the help of these dam reservoirs with three times lower evaporation rate  in Turkey However, the distrust and lack of confidence among the riparian states in the Middle East region has blocked the water peace establishment as well as every other area. Therefore, dams in Turkey, should be considered in terms of water structures made to alleviate the water problem "    he said. IRAN AND KRG HAVE BEEN NEW ACTORS FOR THE MIDDLE EAST HYDROPOLITICS In addition to political uncertainties, climate uncertainty, which the region will face soon, will add new dimensions to the water problem, Yıldz stressed and continued: We should be noted that water politics in the region is prone to resecuritization of water. Water politics is rapidly slipping into the national securitization policies. Turkey at least can enjoy the lowest share of this responsibility. In fact, real responsible countries for this chaotic situation are very well known as international powers. There is nothing that they could not agree on water management in Turkey and Iraq.   What stifles the situation in Iraq is the rapid build-up Iran’s dams in the side-banks that flow into the Tigris River. and the intention of water resources development of the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government. This will directly affect the water flowing through the Iraq in Dice River. The main issue is in the Middle East Hydropolitics is not the Turkish Dam effects on river flow but the appearence of new actors that will want to involve New Middle East Hydropolitics in near future. Iraq is in the progress of stabilization. But political future of the Syria is still uncertain. This will make water management cooperation difficult in the region. In this case, Turkey may consider developing its water potential. In this regard it remains the country with the least responsibility. Because Turkey invited the riparian states to discuss three stage plans about 30 years ago. When Turkey said   'Let's start the water peace process from the moment that is about 30 years past and unfortunately the Middle East Water peace process have been victims of domestic water policy objectives. There have been several attempts to find common ground. In the region, while no basin-wide agreement exists, some bilateral accords on water issues are in place, that doesn’t consist of climate change effects on water 'There is no other way except for collaboration ' Stating that the future of the water resources is uncertain due to climate change, "Then there is no way to solve this equation rapidly except for collaboration on the base of mutually interest approach. Three stage plans of Turkey can be reconsidered and modified on the base of current situation. Otherwise the daily life will be very difficult in the Middle East in near future " Director of Hydropolitics Academy Dursun Yildiz has also answered the question about “ Could Iraq  provide oil to Turkey in exchange for water ?” "This is a very realistic approach. Any step towards the development of the interdependence principle, not oil to exchange water, but developing relations of the countries, will positively affect inter-country hydropolitics. Oil and Natural gas   are the most suitable and basic natural resources in this regard. The two natural resources, water and oil, can contribute to this process through a rational plan that can develop bilateral relations and interdependence “he said. 'MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL APPROACH WILL PLAY BASIC ROLE IN THE SOLUTION OF WATER PROBLEM' 'One of the reasons for the Syrian crisis is drought' Stating that the riparian states   need to develop mutually beneficial relations that will take the water related issues from conflict to cooperation. "This is really important, developing the mutually beneficial interrelations certainly play the most fundamental role in the solution of the hydropolitical problems. A far away Hydropolitics from this approach can’t survive for a long time. Of course, there is an urgent need for stability in the region. But there is no time for the Middle East to wait until this stabilization occurs. According to studies conducted by the Hydropolitics Academy, when the effects of climate change become more visible after 2020, countries will feel the need to come together much more quickly with the enforcement of this. Let's not forget that there were three drought periods behind the social fluctuations lead to civil war in Syria "he said.   'MIDDLE EAST SHOULD CREATE IT'S OWN REGIONAL RESOURCE POLITICS (WATER, OIL, NATURAL GAS) Stressing that the countries of the region should come together to solve this problem themselves, Yıldız said, "The riparian states should ultimately reveal their political will to manage all oil, gas and water resources for their own interest as much as possible. If this will come late, the problems will be much more complex.   Without mutual trust and mutual benefits between riparian states no sustainable and effective water agreement can be accomplished. What we talk about is not “Water-Oil Exchange”.  it shouldn’t be misunderstood, we are talking about the development of a cooperation based on mutual benefits,   Key points By Dursun Yıldız 
  • Main reason of the water shortage in the downstream is not only the dams built in Turkey
  • The most applicable solution of the Middle East water problems lies in the development of mutually beneficial ways.
  • Mutually beneficial approach will play the most fundamental role in solving the water problems,
  • The Riparian States should demonstrate their political will to manage water, oil and gas resources for the benefit of their own interest as much as possible
  • 30 years ago, Turkey has started a water peace process.  But this opportunity has been sacrificed because of the the riparian states  domestic policy goals
  • The uncertanities about water management  is rapidly shifting towards re-enforcing water  into security policies in the region
  • When the effects of climate change increase after 2020, there will be no other solution than to collaborate to live in the region.
Source :https://tr.sputniknews.com/columnists/201805251033587392-ortadogu-su-sorunu-cozum-isbirligi/ (in Turkish)   PDF DOWNLOAD The water problem of the Middle East: 'The solution is development of cooperation based on mutual interests  WHY .A new Hydro Diplomacy in the Middle East.
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