IWA conference WATER CHALLENGES IN XXI CENTURY 11-13 september-Italy

IWA conference WATER CHALLENGES IN XXI CENTURY 11-13 september-Italy

The IWA conference WATER CHALLENGES IN XXI CENTURY: THE ROLE OF ECONOMICS, STATISTICS, ASSET MANAGEMENT AND UTILITY BANKABILITY that will be held in Livorno (Italy) the next 11, 12, 13 September 2017. Looking to the conference website (http://iwa2017.ec.unipi.it/) you can find that a special fee is applied to partecipants coming from developing countries. The deadline for abstract submission is the 10th of May, and that several opportunities of publication are offered by journals as Water Science & Technology and Water Policy. The third IWA conference “Water challenges in XXI century” jointly is organized by the Strategic Asset Management Specialist Group and by the Specialist Group on Statistics and Economics. The conference will be held in parallel with the 4th International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, in the beautiful Livorno. The conference global theme, “Economics, statistics, finance, infrastructure asset management and utility bankability”, underpins major challenges of water utilities around the world. Financial and operational sustainability of water services either in developed regions, emerging economies or developing countries is crucial, not only to assure adequate present and long term service levels, but also to attract financial resources needed for building, rehabilitating, refurbishing and renewing water infrastructures and assets. In fact, the failure to effectively connect capital to infrastructure projects is holding back progress in water supply and sanitation goals, in developing countries. On the other hand, in developed countries, water infrastructures are degrading and public and private utilities are facing a huge backlog of replacement costs and rehabilitation, due to a lack of sustainable asset management practices. The implementation of long-term strategic policies are missing. In this framework, during the conference, water policy-makers and regulators, utility managers, planners and operators, scientists and academics, investing institution professionals, engineering developers and contractors, consultants and other water professionals from all over the world are invited to reflect, debate and present state-of-the art keynotes related to the improvement of water infrastructures’ performance and sustainability, in a global context of increasing risks and complexity. Prof. Andrea Guerrini University of Verona, Italy Dr. Giulia Romano University of Pisa, Italy        
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