Dr. S. Saim Efelerli
S. Saim Efelerli has born in 1950 .He has graduated in Faculty of Civil Engineering of Ege University.He has got MSc. and Ph degree in Hydrology and Hydraulic from Department of Civil Engeering of 9 Eylül University in 1983.He attended a certificate programme regarding to the Hydrology and Hydropower ,Milano University, Sogesta, Urbino, Italy. Dr.S.Saim EFELERLI has over 41 years of experience primarily in civil, dam and hydroelectric power plant, infrastructure , transportation , water structures and environmental engineering projects. Most of his contributions have been in the form of managing and team leading of multi-disciplinary studies covering concept development, pre-feasibility/feasibility studies carried out for water and wastewater management,hydroelectricenergy, water supply, wastewater collection and treatment projects mostly funded by international agencies such as EC, EIB, JBIC, KfW, KF. He possesses invaluable experience as a Project Management particularly in case of projects and tasks to be achieved within limited time spans. He has particular experience in evaluations technical methodologies and financial proposals submitted for consultancy and engineering services and implementations cost estimations for investment projects and construction works.He was the Project Manager for the Project Management Unit at the ‘Eskişehir Urban Development Project’ financed by the EIB and implemented as per FIDIC Conditions of Contract, for the Eskişehir Graeter Municipality and EIB. Under these many assignments, Mr.Dr. Efelerli’s duties included the daily site supervision of the works performed by the contractors and consultants , issuing of work orders, approval of progress statements of the contractors, follow up of works against the work programme, participating to the periodical meetings held with the participation of the Client, Contractor and the Consultant. His experience also includes projects related to infrastructure such as sewerage and treatment plants, sliding formwork as well as and various hydraulics projects. He was also involved in the design works for a preliminary WWTP, sewerage collector line to the WWTP and city network; preliminary & final design, tender process & evaluation, construction drawings & construction survey supervision for WTP, transmission line and distribution network project (both according to FIDIC Conditions of Contract), and the structural design and preparation of Bill of Quantities for a Buildings project.Dr. Efelerli is a member of Turkish Association of Chambers of Engineers and Architects - Chamber of Civil Engineers.
Dr.S.Saim EFELERLI has working experience throughout Turkey at various regions and fully familiar with local conditions, capacities of local/public institutions as well as the governing legislative framework for engineering sector. Detailed under the next heading.Dr. S. Saim EFELERLI , to make and manage integrated river basin feasibility and planning works of the projects regarding to improvement of water resources; dams, regulators, irrigation structures, hydro electrical power plants, water supply systems of large cities, water pipe lines, water and wastewater treatment plants, leakage management, information management systems, flood hydrology and flood structures, project management, implementation management, international tenders and contracts subjects are the area of specialization. He has various academically actions regarding to hydraulic, hydrology and water structures and has EFELERLI flood estimation method mentioned his own name.He had made leader works regarding to re-accommodation, EIA, Protection of Pollution and Total Quality subjects in Turkey.Dr..Efelerli had been invited by Civil Engineers Chambers (IMO), he acted as the member of science committee on ” 1st and 2nd National Water Policy Congress ” two times. He used to be a member of Turkey’s delegation on International Workshops about Mediterranean Action Plan (Blue Plan) –Water Demand Magement -1997.Mr.Dr.Efelerli has various academical actions regarding to hydraulic, hydrology and water structures and has EFELERLİ flood estimation method mentioned his own name.
He had made leader works regarding to re-accommodation, EIA, Protection of Pollution and total Quality subjects in Turkey.Mr.Dr.Efelerli have 29 publishing about hydrology,hydraulic and water stuctures.He had made the Chairman of Arrangement Committee of “ Leakage Management – Information Management System- Wastewater Workshop” held on 30th June 2005 in Eskisehir together with the European Investment Bank. He had made the member of Science Committee “ Urban Infrastructure National Symposium” on15-16th December 2005. He had made the member of Science Committee “ Water Policies Congress 1” on 21-23rd March 2006.He had made the member of Science Committee “ Water Policies Congress 2 ” on 20-22th March 2008.He will made the member of Scienc