Ibrahim Gedik
Permanent AddressDSİ Loj. C1/11 Mustafa Kemal Mah. Çankaya TR- Ankara, Turkey GSM : +90 505 493 43 38 e-mail : ibrahimgedik@hotmail.com |
Current AddressDevlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü İsmet İnönü Bulvarı Yücetepe 6100 TR- Ankara TürkiyeTelephone : + 90 312 417 83 00 (2965)e-mail : igedik@dsi.gov.tr |
M.Sc. 2003-100. YIL Universty Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Remote Sensing Department. Van, Turkey.
B.S. 1999 – Present Bachelor of Science Uludag Universty Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Structures and Irrigation Department. Bursa, Turkey.
1987 – 1994 High School M.Akif Ersoy High School.
“Identıfyıng The Catchment Land Cover Of Lake Van By Remote Sensıng And Geographıc Informatıon System”. GEDIK, Ibrahim MSc., Agricultural Structure and Irrigation Science Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ş. İsmail İPEK November 2002, 46 pages.)
“Determination of plant-pan coefficients for field-grown eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) using class A pan evaporation values” ARTICLE
Agricultural Water Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 2 May2006, Ahmet Ertek, Suat Şensoy, Cenk Küçükyumuk and İbrahim Gedik
“Irrigation scheduling based on pan evaporation values for cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown under field conditions” ARTICLE
Agricultural Water Management, Volume 81, Issues 1-2, 10 March 2006, Pages 159-172 Ahmet Ertek, Suat Şensoy, İbrahim Gedik and Cenk Küçükyumuk
“Irrigation frequency and amount affect yield components of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.)” ARTICLE Agricultural Water Management, Volume 67, Issue 1, 1 June 2004, Pages 63-76 Ahmet Ertek, Suat Şensoy, Cenk Küçükyumuk and İbrahim Gedik
“Remote Sensing and Agriculture”, General Directorate of State Hydraulic, İbrahim Gedik, 2004.
Practicum, Van – Turkey
100. Yil Universty Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Remote Sensing Centre Van / Turkey (September 2000)
Practicum, Kars – Turkey
General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works DSI The 24. Regional Directorate Kars (April 2002)
Practicum, Ankara – Turkey
General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works GIS Department. (April 2006)
Turkish; English
Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office Programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), ArcGIS, Erdas, Mapİnfo
Amateur Photographer since 1994.
Particate a Project Related on Land Consolidation –Bursa, Turkey, 1998.
Certification Program on Computer Operation, Bursa Turkey, 2000
Application of GIS and RS on Agricultural Studier Adana Turkey, 2001
GIS taraining Course ArcView GIS 3.2 Software, 56 hours. Van Turkey, 2002
GIS taraining Course ArcGIS 9.X Software (Esri), 50 hours. Ankara Turkey, 2006
Remote Sensing taraining Course Erdas Imagine 8.3 Software (Esri), 10 hours. Istanbul Turkey, 2006
Professor Dr. Ş. İsmail İPEK 100. Yil Universty Faculty Of Agrıculture Head of Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 100. Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zeve Kampüsü 65100 Van Türkiye |
Telephone : +90 432 2251084 +90 432 225 13 89/1625 Facsimile : +90 432 2251104 E-mail : siipek@yyu.edu.tr, |
Professor Dr. Mustafa SARI 100. Yil Universty Head of Remote Sensing Centre 100. Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zeve Kampüsü 65100 Van Türkiye |
Telephone : +90 432 225 14 01 :+90 432 225 13 89/2602 Facsimile : +90 432 2251104 E-mail : msari@yyu.edu.tr